The services offered include:
To strengthen the institutional arrangements and capacities, ensuring well-coordinated results oriented to
resource, environmental and revenue managements and HSE management in the oil and gas sector; to strengthen the
administration of the Petroleum Sector in Namibia by ensuring that petroleum resources are administered in a
way that contributes to sustainable development of the national economy and welfare of the people of Namibia
and to issue exploration licenses to potential investors.
The exploration licenses issued are as follows:
- Reconnaissance Licence
A reconnaissance licence shall authorize the holder of such licence to carry on reconnaissance operations subject to such
terms and conditions in such block or blocks as may be specified in such licence.
- Exploration Licence
An exploration licence shall authorize the holder of such licence to carry on exclusively exploration operations in
the block or blocks to which it relates subject to such terms and conditions and in such block or blocks as may be
specified in such licence.
An application for an exploration licence shall not be granted in relation to any block or blocks in respect of which,
at the time when such application is made, any licence other than a reconnaissance licence has been issued to any other person.
- Production Licence
When a petroleum field has been declared, the holder of the exploration licence issued in respect of the discovery block in
question may, apply within a period of two years as from the date on which the petroleum field has been so declared or such
further period as the Minister may on good cause shown allow in writing during the currency of his or her licence, for a
production licence in respect of such petroleum field