To equalise the fuel price i.e. to pay for the cumulative industry slate under-recovery to the suppliers of
petroleum products and receive the cumulative industry slate over-recovery from the suppliers of petroleum products;
To pay for the Road Delivery Subsidy claims to the rural/ far outlying areas of the country;
To undertake research in connection with the development of any other form of energy;
To be used by any competent institution of the state or any person or body which involved in any activities
connected with the purchase, acquisition, distribution, sale, saving, conservation, storage or utilisation of energy sources;
To defray the administrative expenses of the National Energy Council and committees of the Council including the
payment of remuneration and allowances;
To purchase, acquisition, distribution, sale, saving, development, conservation, storage or utilisation of any energy source;
Improve the quality of energy supply and services;
Funding any other energy activities that the Minister with the concurrency of the Minister of Finance may direct;