Title: Inspector Mines Occupational Health & Safety Grade 6 Back to Vacancies list Back to list Date Posted: 12 Aug 2020 Deadline: 07 Sep 2020 Days left before Deadline: -1419 Download Supporting Files:    Download Document Inspector Mines Occupational Health & Safety Grade 6

The Ministry of Mines and Energy invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following vacant position:


Division Mine Safety & Operation

1x Post Designation:       Inspector Mines: Occupational Health & Safety Grade 6
Duty Station:                      Windhoek
Salary scale:                     N$328 139–N$392 158
Housing Allowance:        N$ 13 080 p a
Transport Allowance:      N$ 7 680 p a

Closing Date: 7 September 2020

Enquiries: Human Resources Division: Ms. Paulina Angala/Rebeka Naboth

Telephone: 061-284 8111

Only candidates who meet the requirements will be contacted.


Download supporting documents for more information.  Employment Form