The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) is committed to
operating as a competent, ethical, transparent and accountable organisation which provides a satisfying, safe, and
equitable work environment for its officers.
MME officers are encouraged to act with integrity at all times and to be conscious of, and operate in accordance of, the expectations of the Parliament and the community of Namibia.
To achieve this, MME officers must comply with the Namibia Public Sector Code of Ethics 2008 (the Code of Ethics), the principles of which are:
Personal integrity - we act with care and diligence and make decisions that are honest, fair, impartial and timely, and consider all relevant information.
Relationships with others - we treat people with respect, courtesy and sensitivity and recognise their interests, rights, safety and welfare. Accountability - we use the resources of the State in a responsible and accountable manner that ensures the efficient, effective and appropriate use of human, natural, financial and physical resources, property and information.
The MME's Code of Conduct reflects these principles and contains details on specific internal policies and procedures relevant to directoral staff, to provide a clear framework for the standards of behaviour and ethical decision making expected of all MME staff.
Specific training emphasising the ministry's commitment has been in place since 2006 as part of the induction of new staff and as a refresher for long-term employees.